Uzumaki Anime OTT Release: Uzumaki, the horror and supernatural-focused manga series written by Junji Ito is arriving with it’s four-episode-based anime adaptation on December 20th on Netflix.
Meanwhile, this highly anticipate series, a classic favorite of horror and supernatural manga readers is bound to take the audience and internet by its release in the month of September this year.
The author, Junji Ito is known for his major work and contributions into the works of horror and supernatural mystery manga. Each of his works has massive fan following and bases, with the plots of his manga meant to send shivers down one’s spine and the art style of the mangaka meant to both please the eye and disturb the heart and consciousness.
A small fogbound town on the coast of Japan, Kurozu-cho is cursed, it always has been for as long as people have known of its existence in the vast canopies of Japan.
According to a man by the name of Shuichi Sato, who is the withdrawn boyfriend of a teenager, Kirie Goshima, their town is haunted, not by spirits of people long gone by, not by urban legends that haunt streets as darkness plagues, but by a pattern, a spiral, the hypnotic secret shape of the world- Uzumaki.
It manifests itself in ways no ordinary human would bother to take note of, as seashells or ferns or whirlwinds in the air, anything that cannot easily be caught by the naked human eye. As the madness of this cursed pattern spreads, the people inhabiting this small town are sent into an even deeper spiral of chaos, an inescapable vortex.
UZUMAKI by Junji Ito premieres Sept 28th @
— Anime Craze (@crazedanime_) September 5, 2024
Date: September 28
Animation Studio: DriveSeries Will Consist 4
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