New Delhi: After crossing the Rs 300 crore mark at the box office, ‘Vikram’ is set to make its debut on the over-the-top (OTT) platform. With this film, Kamal Haasan made his comeback to the silver screen after three years and will now be making his OTT debut. The film was released in theatres on June 3 and will be released on OTT on July 8.
The story of the film revolves around members of a Black Ops team who must track and eliminate a gang of masked murderers. The film stars three National Award-winning actors, namely, Kamal Haasan, Fahadh Faasil and Vijay Sethupathi. The music of the film is composed by one of the most popular composers in the Tamil film industry, Anirudh Ravichander. The cinematography in the film is done by Girish Gangadharan, who also did the cinematography for India’s oscar nomination ‘Jallikattu’.
When and where to watch the film on OTT?
‘Vikram’ is releasing on Disney+Hotstar on 8 July 2022. The film will be available in five languages, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam. According to some reports, the OTT platform bought the digital rights of the film’s South Indian languages for about Rs 98 crore.
Disney+Hotstar tweeted to make the official announcement.
3 legends in 1 film?! It has to be on the hit list! #Vikram streaming from July 8 in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada. #VikramOnDisneyPlusHotstar ??
— Disney+ Hotstar (@DisneyPlusHS) July 1, 2022
The action-thriller is produced by Kamal Haasan and Mahendran, and Disney has joined their hands as the executive producer for ‘Vikram’. The Lokesh Kanangaraj-directed film is now the highest-grossing film in Tamil Nadu and is coming to the OTT screens to entertain the masses once again.