New Delhi: Actor Rajinikanth made a surprise visit to one of the depots of Bengaluru Metro Transport Corporation (BTMC) in Jayanagar on Tuesday and met the drivers and conductors. Rajinikanth had earlier worked as a bus conductor in BTMC before he made entry into the world of Cinema and became a renowned superstar.
The ‘Jailer’ actor who is in Bengaluru interacted with the staff members and even posed for a selfie with them. Meeting them, he recalled his old days as a bus conductor in Bengaluru where he worked as a crew 10A route of the BTMC. Not only the bus drivers and conductors but also the BTMC officials interacted with the superstar and took some pictures with him.
The man who never forgets his roots despite earning in crores.
||#Rajinikanth | #Jailer | #600CrJailer||
— Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) August 29, 2023
In the past, during his days at BMTC, he mentioned his bond with his friend Raj Bahadur who was a bus driver. He also said that Raj Badhur who is now a retired BMTC employee was the one who encouraged him to take up acting when they used to work together. Raj Bahadur was also seen along with the actor when he visited the bus depot on Tuesday.
Just IN: #Rajinikanth made a surprise visit today to Bengaluru, Jayanagar Bus🚌🚏 Depot where he started his career as conductor.
SELF made superstar for a reason!
||#Jailer | #600CrJailer||
— Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) August 29, 2023
Raj Bahadur found talent in him and sent him to Chennai to audition for the films. Director K. Balachnder was impressed by his one of the dramas and planned to cast him one of his film. But since he didn’t know Tamil, therefore Balachander backed off. Bahadur taught him Tamil and again sent him to Chennai. This is how he started his career, the actor told during Dada Shaheb Phalke Award in 2021.
A few days back, Rajinikanth also met the UP CM Yogi Adityanath in Lucknow after the release of his blockbuster film Jailer. Both of them saw the movie together in Lucknow.