Will & Harper OTT Release: The American Documentary is arriving in the digital screens on 27th September on Netflix. The documentary series follows the life of 2 friends as they embark on a 17 day road trip.
Will Ferrell and his close friend, former head writer at SNL, Harper Steele embark on a cross-country road trip together after Harper comes out as a trans woman in the documentary film, WILL & HARPER. In select theaters this September and on Netflix September 27. pic.twitter.com/FULaHVuMkR
— Netflix (@netflix) September 5, 2024
About Will & Harper
The show revolves around the story of 2 friends Will & Harper. The OTT Platform Netflix shared the trailer of the show with the fans. The trailer begins with a man sitting in front of the camera and narrating his story.
He begins narrating his story of his close friend long time ago when the two used to work together and his friend used to make sketches for him. With time, the two became closest friends.
Meanwhile, one day one of the friends receives an e-mail in which his friend wrote, Hey Will I need you to know something about me, I am transitioning to live as woman.
In the next scene the friend who has transitioned as woman is speaking in front of the camera. He says i don’t doubt Will is my friend, but I am not Andrew Steel anymore.
Both friends then decide to meet and plan a trip to explore this new beginning. The friends then start their road trip discussing and sharing their lives, their future plans.
Both of them make candid confessions without hesitating and worrying about being judged. The documentary is about a lovely and ever-lasting bond of friendship and emotions.
Star Cast and production
The documentary is directed by Josh Greenbaum and it stars Will Ferell and Harper Steele in pivotal roles.
Will Ferrell deciding to educate himself and others as well as supporting and loving Harper unconditionally when she came out to him really puts some other comedians to shame, huh. https://t.co/6fDgcnaIte
— Nerd Girl Says (@Rachael_Conrad) September 5, 2024