New Delhi: In a disturbing incident, a 19-year-old man has been apprehended by the police in Palghar district, Maharashtra, for allegedly attempting to kill a girl after she rejected his romantic advances, as confirmed by an official on Friday.
The accused, identified as Aman Madheshiya, and the victim were both students at a college in Vasai, located on the outskirts of Mumbai, and were known to be friends. However, the situation took a dark turn when the girl declined Madheshiya’s proposal, resulting in him slapping her at the college. The college management took action against him in response to the incident.
According to the official, the girl later filed a complaint stating that Madheshiya visited her house on Monday when she was alone and once again tried to make unwanted advances, which she firmly rejected. Subsequently, the accused forcefully dragged her to the bathroom and attempted to strangle her to death. In an act of further violence, he also snatched her mobile phone before fleeing the scene.
Thankfully, the girl regained consciousness, raised the alarm, and sought help from her neighbors. Promptly responding to her parent’s complaint, the Valiv police station in Vasai arrested Madheshiya on Wednesday.
The victim is currently receiving medical treatment at a local hospital, according to the official statement.