New Delhi: Telangana chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Wednesday (August 31) met Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar following which a video clip of their press conference has gone viral on social media. The video is from the time when KCR was questioned about the alliance of the opposition parties for the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha election and if the Congress will have a role in it.
In the video that is now gone viral, one can see KCR busy answering the question, when suddenly Bihar CM Nitish Kumar urges him to dismiss such questions.
At the occasion, Bihar deputy chief minister Tejashwi Prasad Yadav was also present at the stage.
BJP leader Shandilya Giriraj Singh shared the video on his Twitter handle and said that he has never seen a press conference like this till date. He also said KCR went away after insulting Nitish.(He tweeted in Hindi)
ऐसा प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस तो हम आज तक नहीं देखे हैं।
KCR नीतीश को जलील करके चले गए।
— Shandilya Giriraj Singh (@girirajsinghbjp) September 1, 2022
Did KCR travel to Patna to get insulted like this? Nitish Kumar didn’t even accord him the basic courtesy of completing his point in a press interaction. Nitish was dismissive of KCR’s pleas to let him finish. But then that is Nitish Kumar. Self conceited. KCR asked for it…
— Amit Malviya (@amitmalviya) August 31, 2022
Nitish Kumar said to KCR that “Let’s go…these are all bogus,” to which KCR asked him to sit down.
This embarrassing moment comes at a time when there was speculations that KCR might announce Nitish Kumar as the face of opposition parties for the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections, but things turned out to be different and awkward.