New Delhi: Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia on Wednesday said, “In the last 24-36 hours, all agencies have swung into action to mitigate congestion at every checkpoint at all major airports.” He was speaking at the Parliament today on the query raised by media persons.
“Congestion at entry points and check-in counters at T3 has eased. 4 additional X-Ray machines have been added at the Security Hold Area; display boards showing wait time have come up. Deployment of CISF manpower has already kick-started, and will progressively increase in the next few days,” the minister informed.
According to the minister, these steps will also be taken at Bengaluru and Mumbai airports. At BIAL, two additional X-RAY machines have been operationalized on Wednesday.
The ministry of civil aviation’s official Twitter handle posted on Wednesday, “In order to curb congestion and waiting time at @DelhiAirport, necessary actions have been taken which have resulted in the least wait time for boarding at checkpoints, entry gates and smooth transit of passengers.”
Claiming that it was a great time for India’s civil aviation sector, he added that it was heartening to see domestic passenger traffic surpass pre-COVID levels, clocking a new record each day.
“The load factors have touched 95 percent plus. Indeed, airport operators, airlines, ground handlers, ATCOs, immigration, security – the entire circuit is fortunate to be operating at such a time,” Scindia said.
Insisting that this boom needs to be accompanied by a capacity increase across the board, he said, “India houses the third largest aviation market, and with that, we must also strive to be the best service providers.”
Urging that there was a lot of potential in the sector, the Civil Aviation minister said, “A strong Rs 98000-crore capex for airports is in the pipeline. Civil aviation is expanding its reach beyond the metros.”
Scindia expressed certainty for the aviation sector to ride on a steep learning curve and emerge stronger from the current challenges. (ANI)