New Delhi: A day after the Rampur District court order, SP leader from Rampur MLA Azam Khan lost his membership in the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly on Friday. The court on Thursday awarded 3 years of imprisonment to Khan and also asked him to pay a fine of Rs 2,000 in a hate speech case of 2019. Soon after the conviction, it was understood that he will be disqualified as the imprisonment term is longer than two years.
Azam Khan disqualified from membership of UP Legislative Assembly
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— ANI Digital (@ani_digital) October 28, 2022
The new rule was passed by the Supreme Court in its judgment of 2013 that says if an MP, MLC, or MLA is found convicted in a criminal case and gets two years of jail term then he will be disqualified from his post.
Notably, Khan won the constituency while in jail in Sitapur. On the court’s verdict, Khan sought eight days to appeal in a higher court.
In the Rampur election, Khan won the seat with 59.71% of the total votes against the BJP’s Akash Saxena. The disqualification notification by the Election Commission came after Saxena wrote to the Chief Election Commissioner for the same.
So far, Khan’s qualifications could not be said cancelled permanently if he appeals before a higher court within three months of the verdict