New Delhi: Union Sports Minister Anurag Thakur addressed the media and said that they are fulfilling the demands of the wrestlers protesting against WFI chief Brij Bhushan Singh on Jantar Mantar. He said that Delhi Police is conducting a fair probe and urged the wrestlers to allow the investigation to be completed.
Anurag Thakur said that their demand to form a committee was fulfilled, Delhi Police has registered FIR and the Supreme Court also gave its verdict. He added that Delhi Police is conducting a ‘fair investigation’. He said that their demands are being fulfilled and requested that they should allow the probe to be completed.
#WATCH | A demand was there to form a committee and it was constituted, FIR has been registered by Delhi police, SC also gave its verdict. Delhi Police is conducting a fair investigation. I request the players that their demands are being fulfilled and they should allow the…
— ANI (@ANI) May 5, 2023
Anurag Thakur was present at the launch ceremony of the Khelo India Youth Games in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, after which he addressed the issue. He also assured that Indian Olympic Association (IOA) will conduct fair elections for the new chief of WFI.
On the other side, wrestlers protesting at Jantar Mantar have alleged manhandling by Delhi Police, and have they also accused the police of hitting a couple of wrestlers at night. The wrestlers have shown their distrust in Delhi Police and are demanding an arrest of Brij Bhushan Singh.
#WATCH | Delhi: If this is how the wrestlers will be treated, what will we do with the medals? Rather we will live a normal life & return all the medals & awards to the Indian Government: Wrestler Bajrang Punia at Jantar Mantar
— ANI (@ANI) May 4, 2023
BJP MP Brij Bhushan is accused of sexually harassing women wrestlers, including a minor. Delhi Police registered an FIR on April 30 and also named WFI assistant secretary, Vinod Tomar. SG Tushar Mehta informed the apex court that the police has recorded the statements of the complainants. SC closed the proceedings in the case after the police registered the FIR and gave directions to Delhi Police to protect the minor.