New Delhi: The chairman of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) Priyank Kanoogo accused the Jharkhand government led by Cheif Minister Hemant Soren of obstructing the Commission to meet the minor girl’s family who was hanged to death in Dumka.
Dumka, Jharkhand | We were not allowed to meet parents of the child. Parents not given compensation & not allowed to meet investigative agencies. There’s doubt over the administration’s role: Priyank Kanoongo, NCPCR Chairperson, on a case related to a minor girl hanged to death
— ANI (@ANI) September 5, 2022
Talking to the media, Kanoonga said, ”We were not allowed to meet the parents of the child. Parents are not given compensation & not allowed to meet investigative agencies. There’s doubt over the administration’s role: Priyank Kanoongo, NCPCR Chairperson, on a case related to a minor girl hanged to death.”
Earlier in the day, Kanooga wrote on Twitter that he came to Dumka to investigate the matter. He also said that the area collector had already given acceptance for meeting the family of the deceased girl.
He added in another tweet that when the NCPCR team arrived at the location it found the parents of the girl were taken to some other place.
दुमका में दो मामलों की जाँच के लिए आया हूँ,झारखंड सरकार को पूर्व सूचित किया था कि अनुसूचित जनजाति की जिस बच्ची की बलात्कार के बाद हत्या कर शव पेड़ से लटका दिया गया था,उसके परिवार से @NCPCR_ की टीम मिलेगी जिस पर स्थानीय कलेक्टर ने सहमति भी दी थी।
— प्रियंक कानूनगो Priyank Kanoongo (@KanoongoPriyank) September 5, 2022
Girl hanged to death in Dumka
In Dumka, a 14-year-old was hanged to death from a tree on Friday after sexual exploitation by a man on the pretext of marriage. The accused in the case has been nabbed and has been identified as Arman Ansari. The victim’s mother claimed that her daughter was raped before being hanged from the tree.