Ranchi (Jharkhand): Jharkhand High Court on Friday granted Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad bail in the Rs 139.35-crore illegal withdrawal from Doranda Treasury. The case is related to the fodder scam.
In February, a special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court in Ranchi held RJD chief and former Bihar Chief Minister Lalu Prasad guilty of fraudulent withdrawals from Doranda Treasury in connection with the fifth fodder scam.
“He has been granted bail on the uniform yardstick of half custody and health issues, he will be released soon. He will have to deposit Rs 1 lakh surety amount and Rs 10 lakh as fine,” said his lawyer Debarsi Mondal.
The Rs 950-crore fodder scam involved fraudulent withdrawals of public funds from government treasuries in various districts of undivided Bihar.
Lalu Prasad, who was sentenced to 14 years in prison and slapped with a total penalty of Rs 60 lakh, had already secured bail in four cases related to Dumka, Deoghar, and Chaibasa treasuries.
Now he also got bail in the fifth and final case. He will soon be released after furnishing some legal documentation. According to his lawyer, it may take one more week.