New Delhi: After the ‘Pathaan’ row and revealing the conversation with Shah Rukh Khan, Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma has offered another clarification to the whole story. While addressing the press recently, Assam CM said that he knows film stars of his time and didn’t know Shah Rukh. He added that Shah Rukh Khan sent a message and introduced himself.
I know film stars of my time. I didn’t know Shah Rukh. He sent a message & introduced himself- ‘I’m Shah Rukh Khan. I want to speak to you’. I didn’t have time then. So later at 2am, we spoke & I told him that there’ll be no disturbance in Assam (regarding movie Pathaan):Assam CM
— ANI (@ANI) January 23, 2023
Revealing about the conversation with King Khan, he said that Shah Rukh introduced himself and asked to speak to him. Himanta added that he did not have time then, so they spoke later at 2 am. He revealed that he assured him that there will be ‘no disturbance’ in Assam regarding his film ‘Pathaan’.
The incident sparked when Himanta Biswa Sarma publicly said that he does not know who Shah Rukh Khan is, which was taken his remark against ‘Pathaan’ as his party workers and some Hindu outfits have been calling for the film’s boycott. Later on, he made a statement that SRK made a phone call to him.
Taking on Twitter, Assam CM wrote that Shah Rukh called and expressed concern about an incident during the screening of his film in Guwahati.
Bollywood actor Shri @iamsrk called me and we talked today morning at 2 am. He expressed concern about an incident in Guwahati during screening of his film. I assured him that it’s duty of state govt to maintain law & order. We’ll enquire and ensure no such untoward incidents.
— Himanta Biswa Sarma (@himantabiswa) January 22, 2023
The film ‘Pathaan’ has been a target of the ‘Boycott Bollywood’ trend after a row on a ‘saffron’ bikini worn by Deepika Padukone in the song ‘Besharam Rang’. The film is set to release in the cinema on January 25.