New Delhi: An alleged bomb was found near Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann’s house in Chandigarh. Nodal officer in Diasater Management, Sanjeev Kohli said that a live bombshell has been found near Bhagwant Mann’s house. He added that the box has been secured with help of the Police and the Bomb Disposal Squad and an Army team has been called in. Kohli said that the area is being cordoned off and they are investigating the incident.
Chandigarh | A live bombshell has been found here. It has been secured with help of Police and Bomb Disposal Squad. An Army team has been called in. The area is being cordoned off. Further investigation is underway: Sanjeev Kohli, Nodal officer, Diasater Management, Chandigarh
— ANI (@ANI) January 2, 2023
The Bomb Disposal Squad secured the bomb in a bomb basket. The Indian Army’s Western Command is investigating the matter.
The live bomb was found from a helipad, about 500 meters to 1 kilometre away from CM Bhagwant Mann’s helipad. CM Mann was not at his residence when the bomb was recovered. A tubewell operator spotted the bomb in the mango plantation between the T point of Kansal and Naya Gaon, at around 4-4:30 pm.
The residence of Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar is also close to the incident site.
Congress leader Amarinder Singh said that it is a serious matter and all aspects of the case need to be probed. He added that Congress believes in ‘zero tolerence’ towards terrorism.
Live bomb near CM @BhagwantMann‘s residence is a serious matter.
Needs to be probed from all aspects and dealt with firmly.
Those having audacity to keep live bomb so close to Punjab CM’s residence can resort to anything. @INCIndia always believes in Zero Tolerance to terror.— Amarinder Singh Raja Warring (@RajaBrar_INC) January 2, 2023