New Delhi: A gruesome tragedy struck Gujarat’s Morbi district on Sunday evening, as a suspension bridge above Machchhu river collapsed resulting in death of more than 140 people. At least, 18 casualties are said to be children among those killed in the tragic incident.
While the victim’s family mourns their demise, a CCTV footage of the tragic incident has surfaced. In the video, there are about 200 people present on the bridge against an allotted capacity of 100 people.
The CCTV footage shows people shaking the bridge using its cables, following which it comes crashing down. The bridge was overcrowded with people and as they shook it, it suddenly caved in. The footage is frightening enough to send shivers down the spine.
Gujarat: मोरबी में झूला पुल गिरने का फुटेज, 30 सेकंड का वो भयावह मंजर
— Newsroom Post (@NewsroomPostCom) October 31, 2022
The footage corroborates with the admission of some eyewitnesses, as they told newsmen that the bridge was being deliberately shaken by some people, following which it broke down thus plunging everyone under water.
The British-era bridge was closed for many months and had only re-opened 4 days back after renovation. Many rescue teams including the NDRF, SDRF, Air Force and teams of Indian Navy along with local boatmen carried out the rescue operation overnight and also rescued many people.
Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel visited the hospital in Morbi and also took account of their treatment. The state govt has announced ex-gratia of Rs 4 lakh to the kin of the dead and Rs 50,000 financial help for those injured in mishap.