New Delhi: A Special Court in Ahmedabad acquitted all the 69 accused in the Naroda Gam massacre case, including former Gujarat Minister Maya Kodnani and Bajrang Dal leader Babu Bajrangi. The accused were facing charges of murder, criminal conspiracy, rioting, and arson. The Naroda Gam massacre took place during the 2002 Gujarat riots where 11 Muslims were killed.
2002 Gujarat riots | All accused acquitted in Naroda Gam massacre case
— ANI (@ANI) April 20, 2023
The case has a long history and seven judges heard the matter. The final hearing took place before three judges and the process was repeated after two of the judges retired.
The witnesses for the defense included Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who appeared before the court to establish Kodnani’s alibi. As per his statement, she was at the Sola Civil Hospital during the massacre in Naroda Gam. A total of 182 prosecution witnesses were examined in the case.
All the accused are, reportedly, out on bail.
Five of the accused including Kodnani and Bajrangi were also alleged of similar charges for the Naroda Patia massacre, which took place three kilometers from Naroda Gam on the same day. Kodnani and Bajrangi were convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment in 2012, however, the Gujarat High Court acquitted Kodnani in the Naroda Patia case and upheld Babu Bajrangi’s conviction.
Naroda Gam area of Ahmedabad had a bandh called to protest the Godhra train burning, in which 58 passengers, mostly Hindus returning from Ayodhya, were killed. The massacre in Naroda Gam took place after the train burning.