New Delhi: A heartwarming video is viral on the social media in which a young girl can be seen ‘rescuing’ a baby elephant from the muddy ditch and then the latter reciprocating with a ‘thank you’ gesture.
The video, after it landed on social media, is eliciting many responses and the good Samaritan act of the girl is winning many hearts.
In the video, the baby elephant can be seen stuck in knee-deep muddy ditch by the roadside. When the young girl spots it, she tries it hard to help out the elephant. The task not just looked herculean but also risky for the girl as any erroneous step could have led to serious repercussions.
The baby elephant also tries hard to come out but keeps struggling despite repeated attempts. In the end, the girl manages to pull the baby elephant out of ditch.
She helped the elephant baby to come out from the mud it was struck in. Baby acknowledges with a blessing ?
— Susanta Nanda IFS (@susantananda3) October 27, 2022
At the end of video, the baby elephant can be seen lifting its trunk towards the girl, a seeming acknowledgment & offering gratitude to the girl for her assistance.
The heartwarming video drew many responses from the netizens. Many called it ‘pure gold’ while others blessed the girl for keeping humanity alive while many just wondered at the marvel of nature.
Lovely! This planet ? equally belongs to everyone and everyone should help each other
— Bhakt ?? (@DXBBrahmin) October 27, 2022
Just too good. Even wild animals understand diff between truly helpful and showcased help
— ShaileshArora (@ShaileshArora15) October 28, 2022
Nice of the lady to help…and someone was filming…why not help !!!
— AMIT K BASU (@amitbasu0107) October 27, 2022
He blessed her saying thanks ?, it’s much better then human
— Saurabh Singh (@SinghSingh078) October 28, 2022