New Delhi: Amazon Prime web series ‘Paatal Lok’ produced by Anushka Sharma is going through many controversies and yet getting praise from the critics. Recently, BJP MLA Nandkishor Gurjar filed a complaint, Anushka Sharma, for using a morphed image of himself without his permission.
new Delhi. In the web series ‘Patal Lok’ produced by Anushka Sharma, the producers have changed the picture after the growing controversy over using the picture of the BJP leader without permission. He accused the show’s producer Anushka Sharma of presenting a false image of Sanatan Dharma through Patal Lok Web series.
The photo appears in a scene at about 33 minutes 20 seconds into the Season 1, Episode 6 of the series. Earlier, the image showed BJP leader Nandkishor Gurjar in the background.
The image itself was morphed version of an actual image of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurating a highway project.
The BJP MLA alleged the show’s producer Anushka Sharma portrayed the party in a bad light. Besides, the BJP MLA from Ghaziabad also mentioned in his complaint about the show allegedly offending all communities of the Sanatan Dharma and showing Indian investigating agencies negatively.
#Ghaziabad: BJP leader Nandkishor Gurjar (@nkgurjar4bjp) has filed a case against actor turned producer @AnushkaSharma. FIR is regarding Web Series #PataalLok. He accused actress of sedition and advised @imVkohli to divorce her. (Story in Development)
— Newsroom Post (@NewsroomPostCom) May 23, 2020
He also claims that the Gurjar community has been shown in a bad light in the series.
?जो धर्म चींटी को आटा डाल विश्व कल्याण की कामना करता है उस धर्म की छवि मॉबलिचिंग की बनाने के लियर और इसे पुराना बताने के लिए घटना को 1992 रामजन्मभूमि के कारसेवकों से जोड़कर प्रदर्शित की गई है जैसे हिंदू रामजन्मभूमि आंदोलन के समय से हिंदू न होकर दानव हो गया है।
4/7#BanPaatalLok— Nand Kishor Gurjar (@nkgurjar4bjp) May 23, 2020
All Arunachal Pradesh Gorkha Youth Association complains against Paatal Lok
The Gorkha community got miffed with a scene where female police officer is heard hurling racial slurs at a Nepali character.
Appeal to all the General Public!
Please sign our petition and share:
— Bharatiya Gorkha Yuva Parisangh (@BhaGoYuP) May 20, 2020
Taking exception to a particular scene in the web-series, the Gorkha community launched an online petition, demanding the word be muted, the subtitles be blurred and an apology be issued. They also want the edited episode to be uploaded, replacing the existing one.