New Delhi: Days after taking charge, Bhagwant Mann government in Punjab is facing its first big test. Hundreds of police aspirants cum appointees awaiting joining in the Sangrur police staged dharna & protests in the city on Tuesday.
Sangrur, the home city of AAP Chief Minister, witnessed road blocks and protests on the water tanks by aggrieved job aspirants who demanded that AAP government walks the talk on its promises.
The unemployed youths also shouted slogans against Mann government and blamed it for not fulfilling poll promises. A couple of youths also climbed on the water tanks to bolster their voice against Mann govt.
“Before elections, Mann used to come to our houses. But, now doesn’t even meet us. We were called to meet the CM today but it was his OSD who appeared for meet,” said one of the protestors.
“It was a lip service by his OSD & nothing concrete,” the person added.
Others claimed that AAP had promises them to hand over appointment letters, it its elected to power.
भगवंत मान सरकार के खिलाफ प्रदर्शन, टंकी पर चढ़े ‘बेरोजगार’; संगरुर पुलिस में भर्ती को लेकर मचा है बवाल
— Newsroom Post (@NewsroomPostCom) March 29, 2022
The jobs aspirants in Sangrur police are demanding immediate redressal of their demands else they won’t go back.
Matter that ignited protests, was big issue before polls
The matter pertains to police recruitment during 2016, when applications were floated for 7,410 jobs. The police recruitment was completed with Congress government handing over appointment letters to joinees, however 700 applicants were left out, despite being selected for the job.
The issue of water tank protest was also a big poll plank ahead of Punjab Assembly elections. Arvind Kejriwal had met these ‘unemployed cops’ and slammed Channi government for inefficiency. He had promised that these people would get appointment letters once AAP government attained power in the state.