New Delhi: In an expected move, Punjab Governor Banwari Lal Purohit on Wednesday cancelled a special session order of Punjab Assesmbly. The latest developement came just a day after the Governor passed the order on September 20. Issuing the latest order, the Governor wrote, ”In absence of the specific rules regarding summoing of the assembly for considering the ‘Confidence Motion’ only called by the Punjab Government on September 2022.”
AAP reacts to Governor’s orders :
— Kanchan Vasdev (@kanchan99) September 21, 2022
Explaining the order, the principal secretary to the Governor of Punjab issued details, ”The representations have been received from the leader of Opposition Partap Singh Bajwa, Sukhapl Singh Kharia MLA and Ashwani Sharma MLA and President BJP Punjab on September 21 stating that there is no legal provision to convene a Special Session to move ‘Confidence Motion’ only in favour of the State Government.”
In the letter to Pal, the secretary also mentioned that the matter was examined by the Additional Solicitor General of India who gave the go-ahead to cancel the session. He shared his opinion and said, ”There is no specific provision regarding summoning of the Assembly for considering the ‘Confidence Motion’ only, in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha”
The letter added that the withdrawal order has been passed in light of the above legal opinion of the Additional Solicitor General of India, which establishes that there is no legal provision under the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business.
Reacting to the latest development, AAP Rajya Sabha member Raghav Chadha said, ”Withdrawal order raises a serious question mark on his intent. It is beyond any reasonable understanding as to why there should be any objection to a government’s decision to face the Assembly?”
Hon’ble Governor’s withdrawal order raises a serious question mark on his intent.
It is beyond any reasonable understanding as to why there should be any objection to a government’s decision to face the Assembly?This order further proves the sinister design of Operation Lotus.
— Raghav Chadha (@raghav_chadha) September 21, 2022