New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday morning shifted ‘Ram Lalla’ idol to a temporary structure near Manas Bhawan in Ram Janmabhoomi premises, till completion of the construction of Ram Temple.
The Chief Minister also presented a cheque of Rs 11 lakhs for the construction of the temple. The ceremony took place on the first day of Navratri. The Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust had earlier informed that the date for the ‘bhoomi poojan’ of the Ram Temple will be announced after April 2. Ram Navami is being observed on April 2 this year.
‘Ram Lalla’ idol shifted in Ram Janmabhoomi premises till completion of temple construction #Navratri
— Newsroom Post (@NewsroomPostCom) March 25, 2020
The engineers are expected to submit a technical report containing their findings on the temple site to the Trust on March 25.
Earlier, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader Vinod Kumar Bansal said that the devotees of Lord Rama going to seek his blessings in Ayodhya will now be able to see the Ram Lalla idol from a closer distance as the same is being shifted to a new place with a bulletproof enclosure near the existing makeshift temple.
The devotees would be able to see Ram Lalla from just 26 feet away now, Bansal said. (ANI)