New Delhi: The severed head of a man was placed at the idol’s feet stationed at the roadside place of worship in Telangana on Monday, which urged the police to form eight teams to investigate the victim’s identity and what led to the heinous crime.
The incident that took place in the Nalgonda district is viewed from a human sacrifice angle owing to the way the head was placed at the feet of the idol, Goddess Kali.
According to the Deputy Police Superintendent of Devarakonda, Anand Reddy, the victim appears to be in his 30s, was murdered somewhere else, following which his head was brought to the spot and kept at the feet of the idol. The police are investigating the matter from different angles.
The identity of the victim has not been found while the police are still trying to find the body of the victim. Besides, the investigating team is examining all CCTV footage in the area to get an idea of the crime.
The terrifying visuals have gone viral all over the internet with police sharing some photos as well to get information about the victim’s identity.
On the other hand, a family from nearby Suryapet revealed to the police that the victim’s facial features matched with a 30-year-old mentally disturbed man who left home around two years ago.
The incident was reported after the priest at the roadside place of worship noticed a severed head at the feet of the idol and alerted the police. The police immediately rushed to the spot and took up the investigation after a murder case was registered.