New Delhi: In a shocking incident, an Air India Passenger shared a harrowing experince after boarding an Air India flight. The man bought the business class ticket for almost 5 lakhs and had to go through a painful experince during the flight. The poor man took to social media to share the ordeal with everyone. The passenger bought the business class ticket from New Delhi to Newark, and called it a complete nightmare after he boarded the flight.
The man alleged that the moment he reached the airport, he was informed his flight will be delayed by half an hour, which he thought was normal. But as soon as he boarded the flight, he was shocked to see the dirty and worn off seats. The man revealed that he decided to switch to Air India recenlty as they offer a direct flight to London, Chicago and New York and these are the common destinations that he had been visiting for a while.
He further added that last night when i boarded the flight, it was not less than a nightmare. Even after paying Rs 5 lakh for the ticket, he had to go through the most terrible experiences of his life. The TV was not working, seats were dirty and no words to describe the food.
HORROR STORY 🚨🚨🚨 with #AirIndia business class flight from New Delhi – Newark (AI 105)
After flying with Emirates for a few years, I recently moved to Air India as they offer direct flights to NY, Chicago & London which are my frequent travel destinations
Yesterday’s flight…
— Vineeth K (@DealsDhamaka) June 15, 2024
The passenger identified as Vineeth, adds that he decided to take a nap around 3.30 am, then he realised that his seat was not functional as he was unable to make it to a bed. After informing the crew, he was moved to another seat. After waking up, the man was served uncooked food with stale fruits.
When all this is not enought, what comes to him as a shockn was his broken luggage.