Lucknow: Under Mission Shakti 4.0, the Uttar Pradesh government is set to launch a mega campaign to give momentum to the schemes for women in the state. On the instructions of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the Women and Child Development Department will organize various mega events and campaigns in the state to make women aware of their rights in the coming days.
The Chief Minister’s intention is not just to make women feel secure in the state but also to ensure they have knowledge about all the government schemes meant for them. This will enable them to avail maximum benefits from these programs.
Awareness Week will run from October 16 to 22
As per CM Yogi’s instructions, the Women and Child Development Department will organize Awareness Week from October 16 to 22, along with various activities related to women’s and children’s rights, such as street plays and sports competitions from November 14 to 20.
Additionally, District Magistrates across the state will interact with beneficiaries of programs like Kanya Sumangala Yojana and Mukhyamantri Bal Seva Yojana through Shakti Samvad in their respective districts. Moreover, Mission Vatsalya workshops will also be organized under the chairmanship of District Magistrates to speed up and effectively implement the schemes related to children, especially girls, in the state.
Following the Chief Minister’s directives, the Women and Child Development Department will not only raise awareness about departmental schemes but also facilitate implementation on a large scale in all districts of the state. During this, information about schemes like Mukhyamantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana and Mukhyamantri Bal Seva Yojana will be provided.
Additionally, awareness camps will be held in every district of the state to create awareness about the pension scheme for widows and its benefits.
Furthermore, Adoption Week will be organized to raise awareness about adoption and encourage the rehabilitation of children, especially girls, through the process of adoption, from October 16 to 22.
DM will communicate with women who have been victims of violence
It is noteworthy that a mega event named ‘Haq ki baat, Jila Adhikari ke saath’ will also be organized in the state. During this event, DMs from all districts of the state will communicate with women who have been victims of violence. Similarly, the government will hold Shakti Workshops for the orientation of local and internal complaint committees constituted under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013.