New Delhi: Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari’s office in Nagpur received three threatening calls on January 14. Two of these threat calls were received at 11:30 am and 11:40 am. Nagpur Police is investigating the case, while there are no updates about the source of these calls.
Maharashtra | Union Minister Nitin Gadkari’s office in Nagpur received two threatening calls this morning. Nagpur Police say that further investigation is going on.
Visuals from outside the Minister’s office.
— ANI (@ANI) January 14, 2023
According to reports, Nitin Gadkari received extortion demands and death threats via these calls the security at his office has been increased by Nagpur police. Gadkari’s office informed the police about the matter while Nagpur police immediately started investigating the matter.
DCP Rahul Madane told the media that there were a total of three threat calls, not two. He added that the details of the call and the callers are being found, and the crime branch will work on the CDR. Talking about the death threat, he said that the existing security at the office and at the venue of the program has been increased.
There were three phone calls. The details are being found, and our crime branch will work on the CDR. An analysis is underway. Existing security has been increased. Security has also been increased at the venue of the program of minister Gadkari: Rahul Madane, DCP Nagpur
— ANI (@ANI) January 14, 2023
Gadkari is currently in Nagpur to celebrate the Makar Sankranti festival. Meanwhile, on January 13, he inaugurated the Auto Expo 2023 for the public.