New Delhi: In a bizarre incident, a lineman of Uttar Pradesh’s Shamli is going viral in a video for cutting the power supply of a police station after he was fined by cops for not wearing a helmet. It is reported that the electricity of the police station of Rs 56,000 was not paid for a long time.
It is reported that the man, a contractual employee of the state power department, was fined Rs 6,000 by the district traffic police department. However, the law of the Uttar Pradesh government says a fine of Rs 2,000 can be charged for not wearing a helmet. But, it is not clear why such a hefty fine was charged from the man.
Watch the viral video below here:
दोनों ने अपनी अपनी ड्यूटी निभाई?#UttarPradesh के #शामली में एक पुलिस वाले ने लाइनमैन का 6 हजार का चालान काट दिया.
बदले में लाइनमैन ने उसके थाने की बिजली काट दी क्योंकि पुलिस थाने की बिजली का 56 हजार रुपए का बिल बकाया था…— Ruby Arun रूबी अरुण روبی ارون (@arunruby08) August 24, 2022
The viral of the man was shared on Twitter by a user namely Ruby Arun on August 24. In the video, one can see a man climbing to the electric poll with the help of a ladder. The lineman has been identified as Mehtab.
Sharing his ordeal, the lineman said that he was stopped by the traffic police when he was coming to his home from his bike and then was charged Rs 6,000 for not wearing a helmet.