New Delhi: In a highly absurd incident coming forward from Agra, Uttar Pradesh, a lady recently decided to part ways with her husband after fighting with him for a bag of Kurkure.
According to the reports, the woman, who got married to a guy just two years back, is habitual of consuming a Kurkure’s pack worth Rs 5 almost every day and used to tell her husband to buy her the snack every now and then.
As if this was already not enough, the woman also didn’t use to hesitate from arguing with her husband if he ever complained to her about her eating habits.
Woman Fights Husband Over Kurkure
Meanwhile, fights between the couple escalated to an entirely different level when one day, the guy forgot to bring his wife a packet of Kurkure despite her request.
This triggered an intense showdown between the duo, eventually causing the enraged woman to storm out of her husband’s house and go to her parent’s home. Following that, she knocked on the door of Shahganj police and conveyed her desire to seek divorce from her husband.
Accuses Husband of Physical Abuse
Notably, while speaking to the police during family counseling, the lady didn’t mention her love for Kurkure as the main cause for her fights with her husband. She instead asserted that the guy had physically assaulted her and she is seeking divorce for the same reason.
However, on the other hand, her husband continued to claim that the sole reason behind the incident was his wife’s addiction to Kurkure.
The authorities are now investigating into the matter while trying to find out the reality of the couple’s allegations against one another.