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Astro Strategist Hirav Shah Outlines 5 Ways To Take Care Of Aging Parents To Make Them Happy, Independent And Proud

“Nobody on earth can ever love you more than your parents. Hence your parents are not just important; they are everything.”

If your parents are aging, you want to do everything in your might to ensure they’re comfortable and well taken care of. The significance of parent care
never be understated. Right !!

माता पिता के साथ कैसा व्यव्हार किया जाय की जिसे parents गर्व से कह सके की हमने बच्चो की परवरिश बहुत अच्छी की है

माता पिता के साथ कैसा व्यव्हार किया जाय की जिसे parents अपने आपको luckiest माने

माता पिता के साथ कैसा व्यव्हार किया जाय की जिसे parents शिर ऊंचा रखके चले और उनके चेहरे पे खुशी दिखे

माता पिता के साथ कैसा व्यव्हार किया जाय की जिसे बच्चो को भी लगे की पेरेंट्स के बिना जीवन अधूरा है

कई लोग अपने पेरेंट्स के साथ नहीं रहते है या फिर समज लो की पेरेंट्स उनके साथ नहीं रह रहे है या फिर समजलो की पेरेंट्स financially बहुत struggle कर रहे है

तो मैंने सोचा की एक ऐसी कोशिश क्यों नहीं की जाय जिसे parents गर्व से कह सके की हमने बच्चो की परवरिश बहुत अच्छी की है

Below are 5 ways outlined by Astro-Strategist Hirav Shah, as to how you should care for your parents.

1. Spend Max Time With Parents

2. Try to Stay With Parents, Whatever Your Situation, Wherever You Are

3. Taking Care of Parents Household Expenses

4. Start Giving Pocket Money to Parents

5. Planning of Financial Freedom for Parents in terms of Saving

Schemes / FDs / SIP etc For Parents

Lets try to Understand all 5 points one by one in the verse of Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer Hirav Shah.

1. Spend Max Time With Parents –

It’s so simple. Okay. It’s the simple things we do for them that make a difference.

Attempt spending 60 min a day with your parents. If you give your time to them, even your time becomes precious. You may start by asking what they have eaten. Or you may take them out for a walk. You can even watch their favourite TV program with them. Find an opportunity to spend time with them every day. Start from maybe 15, 20 mins if you keep genuinely busy, and you can go up till 60 mins or even more, later.

2. Try to Stay With Parents, Whatever Your Situation, Wherever You Are

By the time we take our first step to graduating from college, we are surrounded by our loving parents. They have not only invested in us financially, but also emotionally too. In India, we follow the traditional family norms of not leaving our parents, during their old age unlike western societal pressures which consider the child to take his responsibility at an early age. It is regarded as a shame to live with their parents.

Slowly, our country is adopting this decorum in another way. After getting married we tend to focus on extending our family leaving behind our old parents.

They are the ones that have been our pillar for a long time and made sure we don’t pass through difficult situations. In fact, they made our lives easier so that we can wholeheartedly focus just on building our careers.

When we grow into adults and find a good job, whether in the Country or abroad, most of us don’t take up our responsibilities. It should be the foremost duty to take good care of parents, the same as when they took care of all of us, during our childhood.

“So the point is stay with them or ask them to stay with you…staying home with our parents is one of the best luckiest things in the world.” says Hirav Shah.

3. Taking Care of Parents Household Expenses

A Parent’s duty of raising their child gets a little relaxed, when he starts to earn his own money.

Parents become proud all through our achievements even if it be a small one like winning a competition at school level. They boast about their child’s endeavour happily.

So, it should be noted that the child who is now a grown up adult earning money by himself, needs to at least lend money for the household chores or for the daily expenses, be it a small amount.

It will make them happy that their child is now capable of offering money to his parents. It was their only dream to see their bundle of joy getting recognition in the society and establishing himself. “If your parents are not staying with you or staying with you but please try to make sure to Start taking care of monthly home expenses of parents.” says Business Astrologer Hirav Shah.

4. Start Giving Pocket Money to Parents –

Many times parents are in debt by procuring financial help to support their child. But they do it in the hope that at least their child can repay it with his own money. So, it is the foremost duty of us to focus on our goal and work hard to achieve it. Rather than sitting and seeing our parents worry about the financial conditions we should prepare ourselves to stand out strong among all to get a good package from the market. Even starting our own entrepreneur unit with a great idea and strategy can do wonders. It is time to get up and strive hard to reach our goal so that our parents will be less burdened in future.

The bottom line is: If your parents are not staying with you or staying with you but please try to Start giving pocket money to parents every month as per your earnings and commit yourself to make more money gradually and  to give more money to parents every month. So, at this age, they can live at a certain ease.. !!

5. Planning of Financial Freedom for Parents – Saving Schemes /FDs / SIP etc For Parents

Getting remuneration is not only the thing that would make our parents happy. We should remember to invest and save our money as FDs, mutual funds or in some good investing organization for parents so that our money will be safe and its growth will take place slowly with time.

Save up money to take care of parents in the same way they did to ensure our future. Time ahead, they may depend on us for their health needs and other issues. It is better to keep an eye on our expenses and curtail our useless expenditure.

In a nutshell, If your parents are not staying with you or staying with you but please try to Start monthly or yearly saving schemes or you can keep money in terms of FD or any financial security for parents. if you do saving schemes for parents, their minds could be free of most worries and anxieties.

Final Thoughts:

At the old age of life, parents require more care and support in terms of moral support, financial support and care support and “when you are there, they need nothing more…” says Hirav Shah, Astro Strategist & Business Astrologer.


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