New Delhi: MS Dhoni created history in the Indian Premier League on Monday by becoming the only player in the tournament to play 250 matches. In the final match of IPL 2023, CSK wins the toss and chooses to bowl first. The final match which was scheduled on Sunday was postponed due to continuous rain in Ahmedabad and scheduled for the next day. MS Dhoni was for the 11th time in the field for the final match and this time it was against the Gujarat Titans. The stadium was loud with cheers as Dhoni entered the field. The 41-year-old cricketer added one more record to his statistics to become the only player to play the 11 final matches in IPL history. Dhoni has led his team to win four matches out of 10 finals and now has added one more victory to his list.
The man in yellow chooses to chase the target of 215 runs in the 2023 finals that were scored by the Gujarat Titans. Shubhman Gill and Wriddhiman Shah of Gujarat Titans scored 67 runs in their opening stand while 21-year-old left-handed striker Sai Sudarshan lead the team by scoring the score of 96 runs making it reach a total of 241 runs.
Dhoni came made his IPL debut in 2008 and since then showing his charisma in IPL matches. He is the only player to lead his team to play 11 final matches in the past 16 years. No other team has played as many final matches in the history of IPL as CSK has played. He is the strongest pillar of strength for his team. In his career 250 IPL matches, Dhoni has scored 5,082 runs at an average of 39.09. He has smashed 24 half-centuries and is also the seventh-highest scorer of the IPL.