New Delhi: Apple is set to hold the launch event for the iPhone 14 in the month of September. The leaked details in the market suggest iPhone will be launched on September 7. Earlier, we informed you that the price of the new Apple smartphone could be around Rs 80,000. Today, we are going to tell you about the features, release date and more details about the phone.
iPhone 14 features and specifications (expected)
iPhone 14 may bring a 6.06-inch OLED display that will offer 450 pixels per inch and a 120 Hz refresh rate. The phone will be powered by Apple Bionic A16 Chipset and will run on iOS 16.
If reports are to be believed, the phone will house a 50-megapixel primary sensor alongside a 13-megapixel shooter. For selfie lovers, the phone will offer a 13-megapixel front camera. Under the hood, the phone will be packed with a 3,279mAh battery that will support fast charging.
iPhone 14 price and storage details (expected)
The base version of the iPhone 14 is tipped to come with 6GB RAM + 128GB storage. It is believed that Apple will charge around Rs 80,000 for the base version of the phone, which comes somewhere around the price of the iPhone 13.
However, the phone will not offer FM radio support, an external memory card slot and a fingerprint sensor.