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Astrology 2020: Message of the Day (November 3)

Message of the Day – By Renooji


Special month, special healing, and special love to spread and heal with.

We are all blessed and fortunate to be connected to the healing process. There is not a single discipline or practice about which we can say that we cannot heal and there is no worldly work which under the healing light we cannot accomplish. We have got the human body for satisfaction of worldly desires and God realisation in the healing process. We are all free to choose the path we need, desire, want, affirm or intend. Free – will makes us all eligible, but no two persons have the same fulfilment in worldly affairs in life but in the Divine healing process we are all on the same road seeking the same destination. Continue your path of self realisation and find the Divine in your heart. Heal on, in this journey called life. Healing hugs of bestowed wellness. Love from the reservoir of grace.

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