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lang="en-US"> Astrology 2020: Message of the Day (September 23)
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Astrology 2020: Message of the Day (September 23)

The best way to get better at your healing work is to create a clear direction in what you are healing.

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Message of the Day – By Renooji


Just heal, so that everyone heals.

An inference is an educated guess and one’s ability to infer can be polished graciously by making the conscious effort to gather more information. When faced with a new scenario or situation to heal, we must first try to heal the hurdles and obstacles and then send the healing for the fulfillment of all desires. Then making a point to heal with humility and surrender to create the greatest healing moment for the complete situation. One of the most challenging parts of a healing event is to first identify the information that is most critical for healing consideration; as that healed moment will create the next best healed outcome. The best way to get better at your healing work is to create a clear direction in what you are healing. Figure out your end goal and just keep healing. Healing hugs of great blessings. Love from the golden state of mind.