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Astrology 2021: Message of the Day (August 8)

Message of the Day – By Renooji


My priority healing chart:

I often wonder what is that one thing that will make us happy. Remember that every negative thought, emotion, desire and action are the root of all our negative karma. These dark thoughts are like magnets that are attracting every obstacle, every misfortune, every painful event, every anguish, every disaster and thus together they become the root of every unhappiness and all suffering. So today we must move forward and access all sources of true love, real compassion in simplicity and generosity and let the love shine forth. Let compassionate healing be the source and the strength and the essence of enlightenment. Healing hugs of marvellous grace. Love from the heart of divine compassion.

The final cleanse:

Take one teaspoon each of rice, sugar and flour, sprinkle this mixture under a tree. As you sprinkle chant seven times…..” I love to give!”

This heals your heart chakra and your right hand.

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