Message of the Day – By Renooji
Peace from instability.
As we make plans for our life ahead, we are relentlessly asking questions and one after the other, we are seeking answers which we seldom get. This leaves us drained and dreary and dull. A heavy atmosphere resurrects in our room, our life, our relationships and our survival will continue to grow depending upon our spiritual healing patterns. One is always amazed by how much energy can be restored, the atmosphere transformed, and the whole of life seeming once again bright and beautiful. Enchanted by the experiences of life, blessings and healing surrounding you, love all the others, it is your spiritual attention, lightly and mindfully, that brings a peaceful expression to all your spiritual truths. Simultaneously and automatically taming and training the healing patterns and healing on. Healing hugs of spiritual transformation. Love from all the others.
Repeat five times.
Take any five pieces of paper, and then leave under your mattress with the intention that you will use them over the next five months to write five love letters to five different people.
This will heal all your relationship issues.