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Astrology 2021: Message of the Day (September 27)

Message of the Day – By Renooji


The war games!

Many of us are constantly at war with our inner selves. We are pretending that we are all doing the things that we want to do, but somewhere deep down we know that circumstances are surrounding us and controlling us and forcing us to do things that we do not want to do. This leads us to an angry inner space where we do not recognise our responses at all. This occurs in everyone’s life but yet, very few of us can notice our thoughts, emotions and behaviour. These links with our consciousness, our subconscious and our unconscious mind show us that our responses are triggered by our own inner psyche. How many of us are aware, and how difficult it is to remain aware of how our mind responds to external stimuli. Difficulties in handling our selves and our responses shows us the patterns of the war games we play with ourselves and others from moment to moment. Healing in the practice in the daytime and even through sleep and dreaming to be able to put the war within, into a peace zone of complete surrender. Stay healing to complete this human journey in peace and happiness. Healing hugs of spiritual light. Love from the scintillating awareness of change.

The action I can take.

Take five coins, place them in a cup of water and let them sit in the water till tomorrow, then tomorrow bathe with the water, and keep the coins in your wallet for good luck.

This heals our destiny with money and also removes ill effects of the planet Saturn.

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