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Astrology 2022: Message of the Day (January 4)

Message of the Day – By Renooji


The War!

We all come to a centred place in our mind on a daily basis. This is where there are mysterious ways things unfold, when we are fully grateful to all our life experiences. The suffering, the pain, the anguish, the tragedies all give us an opportunity to work through; heal and transform the self immediately. Without these episodes in our life we would never have been able to uncover the resilience within, or the power of our hidden nature. As we move as warriors of the light, we access the treasure of our inherent nature to live life winning the waging wars within on a daily basis. The times when we awaken our inner spirit of vulnerability, are the times when our greatest strengths awaken to heal openly all that is seen and unseen. We begin to heal and use the healing tools, instruments and weapons in the best, richest and most compassionate ways to heal more the self and in the process help others. Healing hugs of greatest understanding. Love from the gardens of compassion.

As we prepare we are ready:
Simply sitting in a meditative posture and healing is the perfect way to prepare for all ahead.

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