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Astrology 2022: Message of the Day (July 20)


Message of the day

Have a strong connection with the radiance in the spiritual heart, invite the light into your heart, shining together, illuminate the world with the grace flowing heart to heart.

Relax as deeply as possible in the heart of this sharing light, with confidence knowing beyond doubt, that the light brings you knowledge, strength, great care, inspiration and great courage to continue to share the light in the now and forever.

Trust the love and the light in the heart, trust the mind, trust the understanding as that is what makes you grow spiritually and heal diligently. There is nothing new you need to learn, acquire or understand.

Just allow the light to blossom in your heart and your hands and know that you share this blossoming light freely with others.

As you give and share, you open yourself to greater depths of light. Healing hugs of feeling the presence. Love from the golden light of the heart.

Do I willingly share the light?
Sky like, brilliant, radiant, blissful, limitless and unchanging is this knowledge of the light that we share with you all.

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