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Astrology 2022: Message of the Day (May 2)

The true healing context for humanity is that we unknowingly protect each other. Heart to heart.


Message of the Day – By Renooji


Guidance for spiritual strength!

Following the light of the heart, becoming a beautiful soul self and loving each other with a full heart of happiness, all healers begin and end their journey together in this consciousness. Today the reflection is upon whether we can trigger a strong enough memory of joy and spread it through the healing process. Connected to the light of the crown chakra, radiating deep healing, all of us move forward to heal the heart of others, yet not giving the self the position to receive in the self heart and recover from this process called life; we must today take heed and shape our destiny anew. Surrender the idea and stay with the experience. Healing hugs of the deepest light. Love from the deepest healing reservoir.

Spiritual belief:  The true healing context for humanity is that we unknowingly protect each other. Heart to heart.