Message of the Day – By Renooji
If there is anything that we can do in this life to avoid being reborn or to direct ourselves to our next birth, is to heal every part of our life, especially the desires, anger and jealousy. To recognise that none of these emotional outbursts or negative experiences have any reality but they definitely impact our consciousness and our next life. When we can realise this, recognise our true nature, and begin to rest in the positive vibrations of our thoughts and consciousness is when we begin to live our life intelligently. This is enough to prevent us from taking rebirth and when we add the healing vibrations to our every action is when we begin to open the doors to the corridors of pure light, through which we can continue our journey to the divine abode. To connect to the true circle of associations in friendliness is the true way to continue healing. Heal and move closer to the inner circle of the heart of light. Healing hugs of divine intervention. Love from the heart of friendliness,
Chakras-Heart/Lung tips/ Back heart need to be healed.
Affirm-“I am happy and feel loved as I rest in the womb of the world and rebirth my
healing abilities.”
Repeat 7 times.
For more Messages of the Day, visit https://www.renooji.com/message-of-the-day/