Message of the Day – By Renooji
The spiritual purity of a silent heart has the maximum vibrations of love to share with everyone around. When we live with a really good heart,we really always want and mean good to others. When we heal and pray for the welfare of others, those healing invocations and prayers and affirmations end up being the most effective. So, we have to be confident that when we heal with sincerity and true love, our healing efforts will be exceptionally powerful and effective. The best and most effective way to transfer the energy is to connect to the silence, picture the person, place, event very clearly and strongly in your mind establishing a powerfully strong connection and then send the message of gratitude and healing. Stay connected to your heart and your practice. Healing hugs of divine intervention. Love from the experience of being positive and in the healing light.
Chakras- Ears/ Eyes/Skin/ liver/ shoulders need to be healed.
Affirm-“I am fully supportive of the human nature and step out daily to heal with a willing and courageous loving heart.”
Repeat 7 times.