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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (April 5)

Rejoice in this moment and affirm that you are always positive and connecting to your most soulful loving spiritual self and healing all.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


Meditation. – Five.

Exploring the inner heart, see a beautiful flame of twinkling diamond light at your throat. This light is expanding and generating rays of platinum light, and these rays are invigorating your aura and your heart. Notice and affirm that your mood has changed in this moment from a negative thinking pattern to one of positive. Affirm that you can let go of all negative stressful situations, emotions, ideas in this moment and see them leaving now in a stream of orange light from your lower back. See your spine chakras filling up with the platinum light and the light going into the sky from the top of your head. See small flames of light shining bright at the centre of every pore and cell of your body. They are healing the very core of your existence and purpose on planet earth. Rejoice in this moment and affirm that you are always positive and connecting to your most soulful loving spiritual self and healing all. Healing hugs of light and love. Love from the dancing flames of new consciousness.

The Throat Chakra
The Hara Chakra.
Engage with these chakras to benefit your heart desires and heart consciousness. See love and the golden light everywhere.

For more Messages of the Day, visit