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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (March 13)

The enthusiasm of the souls to spread the light is an expression of their blissfully engaging with the Divine.


Grand Gateways!

The light is always grateful to the beautiful beings who are prepared to bring the light and the message of oneness to this human realm. It is a new path that the living beings take when they knowingly or unknowingly open themselves to parachute down and watch solemnly the descent to the ground. The generosity of the light extends far beyond the material and resurrects the importance of our spiritual consciousness. The enthusiasm of the souls to spread the light is an expression of their blissfully engaging with the Divine. We are all born to enter the gateways of human life and yet the grand realms are accessed by all. We are in tune with the rhythm of the collective consciousness and we are given the ability to engage. When we engage fully with the light and begin to share, we are given access to all knowledge, to know everything. So, today keep your consciousness in the spine and the throat chakra to activate the third eye chakra completely. Healing hugs of perseverance. Love from the ocean of perfection.

Reading this-
It heals my throat chakra.

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