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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (September 17)

Healing hugs of transforming personal potential. Love from the ocean of humility and effortless service.

Astro, Astrology,Horoscope, Daily Aura, Message, sunsign


The Retreat Begins!

Meditations on the Self.

You are welcome to interact and rejoice in partaking of the abundance energies of the retreat flowing into your life. Be guided to reinforce the abundance of joy, good health, prosperity, progress, happiness and unconditional love. Affirm the following affirmations to further align yourself with the rivers of light flowing from the corridors of huge light. Repeat each affirmation three times.
1)I let go of all anger, fear, worry and sadness and replace them with excitement, happiness,joy and optimism.
2) The healing light takes care of all my desires, wants and needs.
3) I heal with my heart full of love as I connect to abundance everywhere.
4)I stay connected to the light and see happiness, joy, love and radiant light everywhere.
5) I am grateful for all the abundance in my life and my ability to share it forward.
6) I trust in my ability to heal to make everything fabulous everywhere.
7) I attract money and wealth easily and share it with others effortlessly and willingly.
8) My body is relaxed, my mind is peaceful, my spirit filled with love and my soul exuding the spiritual light.
9) I am grateful to the universe for providing me with everything and very grateful to the energies coming from the Retreat.
With healing all our goals,ideas, intentions and affirmations become simple and spiritual. Stay, remain, heal and come again and again………Healing hugs of transforming personal potential. Love from the ocean of humility and effortless service.


As we awaken to the reality of our soul consciousness, the findings of the science fraternity bringing us closer to the body and brain conjoining with the healing to bulletproof our selves and our life from all future negative attacks. Just connect to your life in the now and live this day well.

For more Messages of the Day, visit