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Comparing Investments for 2022 : Stocks vs Real Estate vs Gold vs Silver vs Crypto Currency

We are in the 75th year of independence and will be entering into the 76th year on August 15, 2022. The 75th year adds to 12=1+2=3 and it represents Jupiter, says Hirav Shah.

Over a looming recession trade pundits, analysts and layman economists love to sound alarms. The Covid-19 recession, one of the shortest in history, followed a decade later, post the great recession of the 2000s.

The recessions’ frequency has revived the interest investors have in making sure they lose as little as possible if a recession hits.

Astro-Analysis: Numerologically, 2022 adds to 2+0+2+2=6 which is ruled by Venus, the planet of shortcut success, glamor, entertainment, fashion, luxuries, etc. Planet Venus also represents beauty.

We are in the 75th year of independence and will be entering into the 76th year on August 15, 2022. The 75th year adds to 12=1+2=3 and it represents Jupiter, says Hirav Shah.

Bharat adds to Number 6 and India adds to number 3, 2022 adds to number 6 and as 3, 6, 9 are favorable for Number 6; that’s good news for Real Investors, explains Hirav Shah.

Lets understand the important Planetary transits in 2022.
APRIL 12, 2022: Rahu transit in Aries
APRIL 13, 2022: Jupiter transit in Pisces
APRIL 29, 2022: Saturn transit in Aquarius
JUNE 5, 2022: Saturn retrogrades in Aquarius
JULY 12, 2022: Saturn enters Capricorn
OCTOBER 23, 2022: Saturn turns direct in Capricorn

Astro Strategic Predictions for Investment in Stocks for 2022 : Whichever company has capability, capacity and potentiality, will fare well. Companies which rise and shine “without any real potential and promise” will fall like a pack of cards in 2022- Strongly Predicts Hirav Shah.

Higher valued companies can expect huge corrections. For example Nifty 50 companies can underperform and expect huge corrections in this year- Predicts Hirav Shah the man behind many successful BRANDS, who is a pioneer in introducing Astro Strategy for Business revolution to increase CERTAINTY of SUCCESS.

Finally, Mid Caps and Small Caps can be the best investment strategy. Yes…

Huge corrections can be seen in case of mid caps and small caps but few stocks may give massive scope to make good money.

To sum up, “CY2022 is going to be the year of small and midcaps”- Predicts Hirav Shah.

Now, the decision is on YOU !!

Astro Strategic Predictions for Investment in Real Estate for 2022 : Investments in the real estate sector will grow, with reduction in stamp duty and premium charges. In fact, in the 2021 last quarter, the positive sentiment had hit a record high-Tells Hirav Shah.

Hirav Further Explains-“Due to a cut in stamp duty in some areas, there has been an increasing demand among folks to invest in real estate.”

“Another factor is the decrease in the premium charged for real estate development, under the Development Control and Promotion Regulations (DCPR), which will lead to an increase in real estate investments mainly in the second half of 2022”- Predicts Real Estate Astrologer Hirav Shah.

All in all in 2022, investment in the Real Estate Sector will be on the rise mainly in the second half of 2022.

Now, the decision is entirely YOURS !!

Astro Strategic Predictions for Investment in Gold for 2022 : “Holding gold just as a portfolio diversifier in 2022 is still OK, but it’s not the absolute Best thing to do”- Opines Business Astrologer Hirav Shah.

In the current scenario, the yellow metal seems to have lost its luster with talk of Fed tapering in the air and the dollar index gaining strength.

In the worst case scenario and as the last option Hirav Shah suggests that investors can keep a 5% -7% allocation in gold, with sticky inflation poking the global markets.

Lastly to sum up, the gold prices this year will be influenced by how inflation shapes up and central banks’ reaction to it, as the planet slowly learns to live with the pandemic.

Now, it’s up to you entirely to decide whether you want to invest or not !!

Astro Strategic Predictions for Investment in Silver for 2022 : The outlook for Silver is Bullish in 2022 due to a plethora of compelling reasons as listed by Hirav Shah below.

● For industrial uses, Chinese demand for silver has hit an all-time high lately.
● From retail investors, there has been a resurgent physical demand (coins, bars)
● From the United States mint and other mints, there have been multiple delays in production.
● A significant part of the future clean energy economy (solar power, electronics, electric vehicles) is Silver.
● For its antimicrobial characteristics, Silver is used extensively in the healthcare sector.
● A supply shortage might happen aka global silver supply is likely to be in a deficit.
● During bull markets for the metals, Silver also has a tendency to “play catch-up” with the gold price. The GSR, still near 80:1, is expected to improve in silver’s favor this year.
● Other market trends have also hiked silver’s profile for an investment, in addition to the strong drivers of silver demand, listed above.

Expecting Silver to remain in the range of 45000 to 80000 per kg in 2022.

Now, the decision is on YOU.

Astro Strategic Predictions for Investment in Crypto Currency for 2022 : The resilience of cryptocurrencies is expected to be a highlight one more time-Predicts Hirav Shah, Famed Business Astrologer & Astro-Strategist.

It is now clearly known how investments can bounce back rather quickly from a 10% or 20% loss and hence in 2022, folks will be buying the dips…

2022 will be the year for more new blockchain projects, especially for businesses-Predicts Hirav Shah.

This year, the entire world will still be investing in digital assets and now the ball’s in your court…

Final Thoughts: Which investment is the Best for 2022, depends on many factors-Namely your risk tolerance, investment strategy, how much capital you got to use, and how much you can tolerate losing.

Overall, Comparing Investments for 2022 – Silver can give better returns compared to gold, stock market, real estate and crypto currency, predicts Hirav Shah.

Astro Strategic Priorities to invest in 2022 by Hirav Shah:
1. Silver
2. Stock Market
3. Gold
4. Real Estate
5. Crypto Currency

Anything and everything can go down. But only invest in something which is capable of bouncing back- Concludes Hirav Shah, India’s Most Influential Business Transformation Expert, Business Enhancement Leader and Investment Advisor on the basis of Astrology.