Aura Guidance for19.06.2023 (all 12 signs)
“Gathering your finances in the now will bring you rich rewards by the evening. You are simply put in the middle of a windfall gain and it leaves you as an envy centre for many. Pleasing your bosses will be a good way forward. Be circumspect with your intentions at home to keep the ongoing peace.”
“Allowing others to work with the people who are willing to share experiences with compassion, will put you in the background. Move ahead with a changing plan for wellness and success in all your experiences with the Divine grace. There is an elder in the family who will need financial and medical assistance.”
3. Gemini
“There will be a strong financial growth indication that unfolds good news over the next three weeks. Continue to support your family financially and emotionally. Your chances at success in education and health are more important than others’ opinion about all that you achieve. Just get going.”
“Expanding patterns of stress see you reaching out for meditation and yoga. Be patient for the results. You are definitely looking for something spiritually, but seeking it in the wrong direction. Continue to work hard and continue sending your thoughts and prayers for your success and being supportive of financial benefits to all.”
5. Leo
“Vulnerable and sometimes impulsive, you will be extremely excited about a new person in your life. Just be careful when your trust with the seniors ends up short changed in an appointment with the group. Take charge of your emotions and things will begin to settle down.”
6. Virgo
“Consolidated old and supportive relationships could end up being disturbed by a rash comment. Be patient with your heart desires and slow down if in a new romantic relationship. You are very aggressive in your dealings today and it would be best to delay meetings or optimise your time by letting others take the conversation forward.”
“Changes in finances are appreciated by people at home. Nesting in the heart of professional comfort many of you are planning to take up a new job or making a career move. Interesting international interactions will leave you feeling fulfilled and satisfied. Be very watchful of your emotional reactive comments.”
8. Scorpio
“Right when the mood is set for entertainment, there will be extra work thrust into your plate, which has the power to leave you feeling resentful and unhappy. Remember that eventually you are going to gain from the experience and love your new abilities that will be perfect for your future success.”
9. Sagittarius
“Very strong vibrations and premonition of something big happening leave you feeling excited. You are definitely highly charged with excitement but the day could turn out to be more creative and responsibilities thrust upon you that leave you confused about what to pursue. Just be yourself and move ahead with courage and confidence.”
10. Capricorn
“Challenging and rewarding situations make the day memorable. You will be taking on more than your share of the work but your experiences leave you feeling better and fulfilled. Take a step forward to your life goals and success in all your relationships with others leads to completion.”
11. Aquarius
“Expansion for a long term resolution for a problem will be found and a long standing problem will be solved. There are plenty of financial problems that need your attention but you are working like an ostrich with the head in the sand. Waking up in time is necessary. You will step out of your way also to help a colleague who needs professional support and guidance.”
12. Pisces
“How you accept and appreciate brings you to a crossroad of right and wrong. Be wise with the choice you make as you will be rewarded with happiness. Love your family as they are feeling neglected for sure. Assure them that you are solidly behind them emotionally, financially and mentally. Stay connected to others needs and spread love today.”
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