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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (January 9)

Your desire to be recognised for all that you do personally or professionally could end up being appreciated, but will it leave you satisfied is questionable.

1. Aries
“There could be a conflict within the family or even with a sibling. Refrain from using naughty
words, thoughts and language, but, contain your excitement as well. Work with the energies at
hand and wellness for you to achieve success will be inevitable. Creatively you are brilliant and
admired by many.”


2. Taurus
“You should be vigilant about the way you are interacting with others. There could be a
misunderstanding or a long standing financial dispute which could end up being a topic of
discussion that has the power to upset you. Be patient with your family togetherness. Be
content with your family supporting your life journey towards international sojourns.”


3. Gemini
“Be careful of your sharp tongue and know that there is a greater impact in your silence. Create
a base plate of love for your relationships today. Your heart space is very good, you connect
emotionally also, but there is a social view of you being unapproachable which goes against the
grain of work.”


4. Cancer
“Just be patient with yourself today and you will be able to achieve your healing success ahead
with family. Be sure that all you do in the day today is dipped in love and every action is
stripped of the false ego. You are prone to the envy energy of others , so best would be to keep
your council.”


5. Leo
“You are improving your daily routine and taking things to a new level of excellence in your
relationships with your family and friends. Happiness is a good commodity to share with others.
Others may not share your enthusiasm, but you are completely convinced of your experiences
with your spiritual wisdom unfolding in your spiritual consciousness.”


6. Virgo
“Challenging, but the game has to be better after you involve yourself, thus, your priorities will
be comforting in the long run. Your aggressive decisions will manifest success and happiness for
those involved. Past mistakes are learning milestones and there is seldom anything that you


7. Libra
“Refrain from sending your thoughts in written format as the new identity of who is going to
use it when, especially when your future play is unsure. Continue to shine in your life choices.
Open your lines of communication with your family as there is much building up in your


8. Scorpio
“You are more popular today than ever before, but something in your aura energy is having the
power to spoil your happiness. Refrain from sending or telling your family about the future
success. Containing your intent is very important if you want people on your side. You are
slowly but surely learning new ways to manipulate your emotions for your happiness.”


9. Sagittarius
“This is the time when most of you will be emotionally and romantically inclined. Your
competency is something that is appreciated and at the very end you will realise that you are
most interested in seeing people’s response. Emotionally you are over sensitive, so negotiating
with someone or even compromising is the best bet.”


10. Capricorn
“Process of change brings you new friends and new investment opportunities. The situation in
your financial destiny begins to improve today and will leave an impact in your life that is
eventful and happy. Consolidate in your human relationships that know that you are well liked
and appreciated today.”


11. Aquarius
“It seems that at the end of the day there will be a work focus that inspires you to work. There
will be some domestic issues that are completely different from your life experiences, but you
will handle things well to everyone’s satisfaction. People socially are looking to you for
emotional security and well being.”


12. Pisces
“There are plenty of people who are seeking your attention. Relax and refrain from an
antagonist position and clearly see patterns of the situation to make your own position strong.
You are in a very volatile mood today and could fly off the handle in any argumentative
