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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (October 12)


Daily Aura Guidance for the Zodiac – By Renooji

Aura Guidance for 12.10.2022 (all 12 signs)


“Just postponing heart to heart chats may end up being the best options, as you could be misunderstood. Continuous patterns of financial resources growing lull you into a complacent situation but you need to be wakeful in the way the global economy is unfolding. Growth of an asset leaves you feeling fulfilled.”

2. Taurus

“You are going to be involved in organising a culture festival that has spirituality at its base. Today you will spread the message of love, service and experience oneness with all those around you. You are in the middle of an introspective phase in your life, but your destiny unfolding in your life brings you to the centre of a big change.”


“You are definitely respected but the global situation will impact your job stability. Some of you could end up feeling the push to look for something better. You may need to budget your spending and money earned and not spent is saved. Continue to be a strong person and love your family. Be persuasive and convince family for a short holiday.”

4. Cancer

“To open yourself up to this new life will mean giving up your independence and happily moving towards sincere new relationships. You will be sacrificing your independent mindedness and channelling a new way of life and financial management. Your work potential is strong but there could be a new level of procrastination in your future financial investments.”

5. Leo

“You will discover that a recent improvement is impacting your future and a disappointment is actually going in your favour. Be prepared to address a misunderstanding with the people who matter. You will be able to help someone release their unrealistic fears and change the way they look at life.”


“Whatever happens, there are signals that finally things fall into place perfectly. If you can remember that all the things that have happened in your life, happened for a reason, you will understand your personal journey better. Expanding your entrepreneurial skills or upgrading your academic skills, will definitely lead to better work scenario.”

7. Libra

“Alliances or support from unexpected people will leave you feeling supported and your work validated. Your finances need to be looked into and the way you are earning it, spending it and saving it. Those working and feeling vulnerable will need to think clearly. If debt is a problem, then you will need a financial advisor for sure.”

8. Scorpio

“Miscommunication and delays in your work are indicated. You will not be surprised when you see things being done on purpose to upset your plans at work. You May have to make instant decisions which will lead you to success but have the power to make you angry.”

9. Sagittarius

“You might experience changes in your attitude towards someone you feel strongly for. Just be yourself. You might find yourself in a conversation with someone which ends up badly and it annoys you and your sensibilities. There is nothing you hate more than to be blamed for something that you did not do.”

10. Capricorn

“Keep your family and friends close and keep the communication channels open and continue with your work schedule as everything stable comes from that. There will be new beginnings in relationship with your new work, that will inspire you to create a life transforming destiny. Health of the family could be worrisome.”

11. Aquarius

“You are normally very inventive and courageous but the reality is that there will not only come a time to be cautious but also spend much less. Determined but still planning your financial path, it would be best to change and keep your spending traits within limits and move to a place of safety and security.”

12. Pisces

“Connect to the parents and elders to reform your relationships and taking the special blessings move ahead with determination. When things happen on the emotional front, try not to create stress today, irrespective of how vulnerable you are – as you will end up stressed and tired. Be prepared for a great night out.”


“For more on Daily Astrological Guidance and Predictions visit


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