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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (September 2)

Aura Guidance for 02.09.2022 (all 12 signs)



“Take on a challenge, as all work prospects are very good and you will also be able to solve some of your own inner problems and your life will improve immensely. A short trip could end up being a romantic interlude for some of you. Staying connected to your spiritual self or religious side could help you unfold more success.”

2. Taurus


“This is not the time to create a huge new surge of work as there are plenty of old things that need to be completed. Dealing with old issues will take up most of the day. Don’t let someone else’s stress to rub off on you today. You know what changes need to be made so get going. Opportunities ahead are plentiful, so make the most of them all.”



“You can make the changes required and move ahead with grit and determination and create a more complete awareness of your life goals. You can win favours by stretching the extra mile for someone you care about. You will be much more respected at work after your inputs today.”
4. Cancer

“Continue to look after the elderly people who matter to you and your heart will be full of love. Don’t let your emotions get in the way of your work deals and business investments. Continue to stay calm and positive when it comes to asking new questions about the situation with the people who are always wanting to not tell you.”

5. Leo


“Take a greater interest in your future financial investments in life situations that will impact your future journey ahead. Contracts that have been drawn may be forcibly delayed for more positive opportunities to complete the work. Your neighbours will continue to grow spiritually and improve your life experiences as you spend time together.”

6. Virgo­­­

“You will tend to overestimate, overreact and overdo things that are not in your best interest. But in the long run it will make someone show an interest in you that was the plan in the first place. Be positive in life and let go of the negative. You are going through a lot more than you bargained with in life.”


“Don’t let your feelings lead you into the wrong direction. If you believe in yourself then others will believe in you. Changing your personal choices at the last minute could upset the family for sure. Be sensitive to your immediate family. There is an inner turmoil that you are dealing with and it will resolve today but you have to walk it alone.”

8. Scorpio

“Don’t let the criticism of someone at a distance colour your judgement of what needs to be done. Use what is said to better yourself and the team, so that, you are completely well placed for the next episode. Take a greater interest in your personal and financial dealings to remain within the network of excellence.”

9. Sagittarius

“Filter through what you are feeling and know that finally it is your intuitive self that paves the way forward. Filtering through some files in the office you could land a goldmine of information that could trigger immense success for you. Stay and keep it confidential for best results.”

10. Capricorn

“You will be happier with the continued explorations at work and find meditation and yoga to enhance your spiritual quotient. You are feeling left out of your work and are not feeling wanted in the family and for this you have to change your mind and heart and move away from your negative approach to life.”

11. Aquarius

“Take one step at a time and you will be rewarded with excellence in both your experiences professionally and personally. Advantages of the future journey ahead are your name, your integrity and your honesty in all you do. There are exceptions that you have to make for a continued relationship with your self.”

12. Pisces

“There is a long term family liability that you are financing partly and the responsibility is soon over. Gather courage and address an issue with a friend and resolve the differences. Your patterns of heart filled love always make you well-liked by others but your family is always wanting more of your time. Today be generous and commit to family time.”


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