New Delhi: Satta King or Satta Matka, the name itself gives a peek into the nature of money-minting game, often practiced by youngsters to earn quick cash/money.
Satta Matka suggests the use of a cauldron with bets/wages from multiple users who risk their money for a gain. Users have to select any number between 0 to 99 to place their bets. If their number matches with the declared numbers, they will be the defacto winner & also winner of the big prize money.
Over the years, the Satta King/Satta Matka game has become increasingly popular with the young generation, as more & more newbiews are partaking in it for quick gains. As the game is addictive, so youngsters are duly advised to keep distance from it also.
Winning numbers for Sept 5
There are multiple zones of the Satta Matka/Satta King, where users can participate & place their bid. Since the outcome of game depends purely on your luck, you will either stand to gain big time or loose your betted amount.
Among the most popular Satta Matka zones are Disawer, Faridabad, Dilli Bazaar, Taj Chotu & more.
Here, we provide you the results of Rajshri, Shri Hari and Sundram:
One can take part in the game via both modes – physical & digital. The latter comes handy as you have to just place your wagers online while for the physical format, you will need routine effort to walk out of the comforts of your house and buy the wagers in person.
However, the results are announced in digital mode only. You will have to keep watch of the winning numbers announced on different zones of the Satta King game.
Disclaimer: Satta King is gambling game played by hundreds of lottery enthusiasts. Above article encapsulates the users interest & their participation in game and hence must not be considered as a facilitator in the betting game. The article merely provides information about the game & its prospects based on facts available in public domain. This game is full of risks & hence user discretion is required.