New Delhi: Bollywood actor Aamir Khan and Kajol’s superhit romantic film ‘Fanaa’ completes 18 years today. The story of the film revolves around a beautiful Kashmiri woman Zooni played by Kajol and Aamir played the role of a tourist guide. The story moves around how Zooni falls in love with Rehan despite being warned to maintain a distance from him. The challenging role of a blind girl is performed fantastically by Kajol and Aamir Khan’s character also received lots of praise and appreciation from the audience.
Dhadakanen Jo Suna Doon Tumko Ghabraa Hi Jaaogi Tum
Hamko Aata Nahi Hain Chhupana Hona Hain Tujhmein Fanaa
Chaand Sifarish Jo Karta Hamari Deta Woh Tumko Bata ♥️— ismail bhai (@atheisttindian) May 24, 2024
The songs of the film also became a huge hit during that time. Many people believe that the film was shot in Kashmir due to its beautiful locations which gives an impression of a city like Kashmir, but the film was shot in Southern Poland after Kajol refused to shoot in Kashmir valley due to the continuing insurgency in that region at that time.
“Tere dil mein meri saanson ko
panaah mil jaye …
Tere ishq mein meri
jaan fanaa ho jaye” ♥️— Harish R.M (@27stories_) May 18, 2024
The film was released on 26th May 2006 and it was one of the most expensive films of that time. It was directed by Kunal Kohli and produced by Aditya Chopra. Apart from Aamir and Kajol as the main characters, the other star cast of the film includes Rishi Kapoor, Kiron Kher, Tabu and Sharat Saxena in supporting roles.
kajol & aamir khan in fanaa (2006)
— amani (@kajolsart) May 7, 2024
Fanaa was a major commercial success and despite being banned in Gujarat it became the sixth highest grossing Hindi Film of the year. It also won 3 awards at the Filmfare Awards with Kajol winning the best actress award.
“tere dil mein meri saason ko panaah mil jaaye…tere ishq mein meri jaan fanaa ho jaaye”
One of the best romantic Thrillers ❤
This scene and them 💘#AamirKhan #Kajol#18YearsOfFanaa— RAJ (@AamirsDevotee) May 26, 2024