New Delhi: Aamir Khan, the renowned actor, has recently made an announcement regarding his upcoming film. He revealed that the title of the film is Sitare Zameen Par. During an interview with News18, Aamir further elaborated that the film shares a similar theme to his highly acclaimed movie Taare Zameen Par, which was released in 2007. This news has generated a lot of buzz among his fans and movie enthusiasts, who are eagerly waiting for more details about the film.
Aamir Khan on Sitare Zameen Par
The acclaimed Indian filmmaker, Aamir Khan, recently revealed that he is working on a new film with a familiar theme. While he refrained from divulging too many details, he did disclose the title of the upcoming movie, which is Sitare Zameen Par. Fans of the talented director and actor will undoubtedly recall his previous masterpiece, Taare Zameen Par, which was a poignant and emotional film that touched the hearts of millions. However, Aamir Khan has promised that Sitare Zameen Par will take the concept to the next level by infusing humor and entertainment into the mix. He explained that the name of the new film was chosen with great care and consideration, as it reflects the continuity of the theme that we all have flaws and weaknesses, but we also possess unique talents and qualities that make us shine like stars.
In Taare Zameen Par, Aamir Khan played the role of a mentor who helped a special child named Ishaan overcome his challenges and discover his potential. In Sitare Zameen Par, the tables are turned as nine boys with their own issues come together to help Aamir Khan’s character. The filmmaker’s announcement has generated a lot of buzz and anticipation among his fans, who are eagerly waiting to see what he has in store for them.
Aamir Khan’s Production
According to the news agency PTI, Aamir Khan will not only act but also produce an upcoming feature film. He has plans to produce three films in total, including Laapata Ladies, directed by his wife Kiran Rao, another one with his son Junaid Khan, and Lahore 1947 with Rajkumar Santoshi and Sunny Deol. Aamir expressed his excitement for these projects and is looking forward to them.
About Taare Zameen Par
One of Aamir’s previous productions was Taare Zameen Par, which he also directed. The film starred Aamir Khan, Darsheel Safary, Tanay Chheda, Vipin Sharma, and Tisca Chopra. It followed the story of an eight-year-old boy named Ishaan who was gifted but struggled with dyslexia. Aamir played the role of his art teacher who discovered the child’s learning disability and helped him realize his true potential.